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Hi I'm Emenro


Hello! I am Emenro :)

I am a stop-motion, film, and poetry artist. My artwork has the greatest range known to man-kind, and anything I make plays on color and metaphors. Within my art are hidden meanings and perspectives, but they are always up for different interpretations. Within film and art, I love experimenting with paper, clay, and sometimes even real humans to help express the ideas I imagine inside my mind. 

I am an 18 year old artist based and raised in Las Vegas. And no, I do not live in one of the casinos or own a cow boy hat (but I wish I did). When I was younger I use to make home movies and directed them all by myself. They most certainly had awful acting and bogus plotlines, but they were the beginning of my passion for art. From there on I began my journey of learning how to use as many elements as I could to share my visions and perspectives. 

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